Monthly Archives: March 2017

Language Related Jobs Extinct within 20 Years

The only certainty is that nothing is certain!

And this goes with jobs as well.

Thus Andrew McAfee, co-director of the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy, suggests that the increased productivity from sophisticated machine and computing power will lower prices and reduce the need of certain professions.

Thus an estimated 40-50% of jobs will be extinct within the next 20 years.

Let’s see the job loss forecast in the foreign languages industry:

1. Language Teachers

Thomas Frey, senior futurist at the DaVinci Institute says that teachers as such are unlikely to become extinct. However, free online learning is revolutionizing teaching models.

For example, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) currently offers more than 2,000 courses online and there have been more than 130 million downloads.

The Khan Academy offers a similar number of courses, and downloads exceed 100 million.

Consequently, in the future there will be fewer teachers and professors.

The good news is that there will be more coaches, course designers and learning camps.

2. Interpreters and Translators

The nuances of language make voice interpretation difficult for computers. So far.

In an article for BBC News, Kevin Rawlinson wrote that he found various Google language apps to be helpful but awkward in practice.

But according to The Economist, which cites the consulting firm Common Sense Advisory, sales in the language interpretation industry are approaching $37 billion each year!

This implies that Google and other leading technology firms will continue to attempt to perfect their tools. So they can grab the largest pie slice in this industry.

Therefore one day soon, the need for interpreters could disappear.


Concluding, the term “extinction” might be too strong.

These professions will disappear in terms of absolute numbers of jobs, but not as specific professions.

Both of these professions may live longer as niche activities: coaches, off main stream language teachers, legal system interpreters or old school learners not willing to be “wired”.

And they will provide enough for the few best professionals in this niche.

Cat de importante sunt limbile straine pentru companii?

Limbile straine inseamna mai multi bani!

Relatiile de afaceri intre companii din tari diferite sunt din ce in ce mai stranse si e nevoie de oameni care sa faca posibila comunicarea. Ei pot sa fie specialisti in limbile straine sau doar sa cunoasca si sa utilizeze bine o limba straina.

Probleme apar la angajare. Care sunt criteriile in functie de care stabilim ca un candidat cunoaste suficient de bine o limba straina? Cum aflam nivelul real al candidatului?

Digi 24 a publicat un articol relevant despre aceste probleme :


Asteptam cu interes parerile voastre!


Studiu de caz – vorbeste romana in 3 saptamani

“Help our employee, Adrian, speak Romanian in 3 weeks!”

Aceast a fost cererea primita in ianuarie de la Richiger, unul dintre cele mai importanti producatori mondiali de utilaje agricole.

Si asta nu a fost totul. Pentru ca urma sa incepem de la zero. Cursantul cunostea doar “Salut!”:)

Din fericire atat profesorii alocati, cat si cursantul, fac parte dintre cei 60% dintre noi care ne raportam la inputul vizual.

Avantajul acestora, este ca, in general pot “vizualiza” si succesul actiunii intreprinse.

Asa ca iata niste sugestii la cald despre invatarea limbii romane, dar si a altor limbi:

-incearca sa vezi avantajul participarii inca de la prima lectie pentru ca investesti timp si bani in curs.

De exemplu chiar dupa prima sesiune, puteti scoate cartea de vizita si sa va prezentati in limba tinta.

-chiar daca esti vizual, este demonstrat ca un mix de stimuli ajuta la retentia si utilizarea limbii.

Astfel ca e necesar sa scrii, sa asculti si sa vorbesti. Iar prin IMG_20170303_091155scris intelegem un caiet ca cel oferit de Link-scoala de limbi straine, nu fise disparate.

-gandeste-te ca petreci doar 3-4 ore/saptamana cu profesorul. Iar 97% din saptamana fara el!

Asa ca temele sunt necesare pentru ca ajuta la internalizarea inputului de la curs.

-dupa primele 2-3 capitole vei avea deja un vocabular de baza de cateva zeci de cuvinte. E important sa le folosesti.

Cursantul nostru a fost impreuna cu profesorul la restaurantul Gaura dulce unde a comandat in limba romana.

-urmareste reclame/muzica/ziare gen tabloid in limba tinta. Sunt usor de inteles, au o componenta culturala locala si sunt amuzante

De exemplu la lectiile cu Adrian am folosit reclamele de la Unirea si Cava d’Oro.


Nu sunteti siguri ca a fost un succes? Iata feedbackul scris de Adrian dupa cateva sesiuni:

On 26.01.2017 19:11, “adrian…” wrote:

Imi place scoala link, pentru ca fac ora de curs forte bine. Profesor si profesoara sunt forte buni. In ora de curs noi facem nu numai grammatica ci si mergem in oras, jucam joc de limba. Cu totul invat limba romana rapid si cu distractie placuta.

Daca doresti si tu sa vorbesti o limba straina rapid, click aici

For the English version of the article, click here.